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Thesis Defense - Hasan Numan Ölmez (MSCE)
Hasan Numan Ölmez - M.Sc. Cvil Engineering
Asst.Prof. Derya Deniz – Advisor
Date: 25.08.2020
Time: 14:00
Location: This meeting will be held ONLINE. Please send an e-mail to gizem.bakir@ozyegin.edu.tr in order to participate in this defense.
Performance and Loss Assessment of Industrial Buildings
under Flood and Earthquake Actions
Thesis Committee:
Asst. Prof. Derya Deniz - Özyeğin University
Civil Eng. Prof. Gülay Altay - Özyeğin University
Assoc. Prof. Himmet Karaman - Istanbul Technical University
Flooding and earthquake are the two most-costliest hazard events that significantly affect communities in Turkey. Especially, their impacts on industrial facilities can trigger fire or release of toxic substances, resulting in extensive environmental pollution, enormous economic losses and even significant health effects on the communities around the facilities. To mitigate with impacts of disasters and reduce associated damage on industrial structures, assessment of hazard performance and loss of the facilities is the first crucial step. This study presents a probabilistic methodology to make reliable seismic and flood impact estimate for industrial buildings considering any potential structural, non-structural damage, and equipment and/or inventory losses and associated uncertainties. As a case study, the common one-story precast concrete industrial buildings in Turkey were considered. Several field trips were conducted to industrial facilities in different sectors to investigate and understand their hazard damage potential. Using the field notes and literature review results, numerous analytical damage models were built to analyze behavior of typical precast reinforced concrete industrial buildings under lateral seismic and flood forces. Damage state matrices were established for the industrial facilities to connect possible damage levels under earthquake and flood load actions to functionality of the facilities. Considering uncertainties in the key parameters for the built damage models, sensitivity analyses were performed to develop probabilistic earthquake and flood loss models. Both structural and non-structural damages and equipment/inventory losses were considered to establish holistic loss models. While the proposed models have been developed for the industrial structures in Turkey, the methodology can be adapted to the facilities in other nations and regions using similar industrial construction practices.
Hasan Numan Ölmez was born in Konak, İzmir on June 2, 1996. In June 2018, he received BSc degree in Civil Engineering from Dokuz Eylül University, ranking as the top 3rd student among his classmates. In September 2018, he entered the Graduate School of Engineering at Özyeğin University to pursue his MS Degree in Civil Engineering under the supervision of Dr. Derya Deniz. He has research interests in earthquake engineering and disaster loss models for buildings.
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