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Our Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Students Receive Two Awards in ANAC 2017
The Automated Negotiating Agents Competition (ANAC) is an annual competition organized in conjunction with the AAMAS/IICAI Conference. Each year, the competition brings together researchers and project owners from the negotiation community. This year marked the eight anniversary of ANAC. Mr. Emir Arditi and Mr. Okan Tunalı, our bachelor’s and master’s degree students in Computer Science, and our graduate Taha Doğan were awarded second and third place during the ANAC 2017. Our students prepared for the competition under the guidance of Assistant Prof. Reyhan Aydoğan.
Mr. Emir Arditi, our Undergraduate Computer Science Program student, and Mr. Taha Doğan, our Undergraduate Computer Science Program graduate, placed second in the 8th International Automated Negotiating Agents Competition under the mentorship of Assistant Prof. Reyhan Aydoğan. Our students designed and developed an automated negotiating agent for the competition. Our team “Caduceus”, which takes its name after the symbol of trade and commerce, received the second highest score in the competition among 19 teams.
The third place was awarded to Mr. Okan Tunalı, our master’s student in Computer Science. Okan designed and developed an automated negotiating agent for the competition, and joined the competition as the team Rubick.
We congratulate our students on their achievements, and wish them continued success both in their studies and future careers.
About the Automated Negotiating Agents Competition:
ANAC is an annual international competition organized in conjunction with the International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS). The competition aims to bring together researchers renowned for their studies on the automated negotiation agents, and provide a unique benchmark opportunity for evaluating practical negotiation strategies in multi-issue domains. This year, the competition was held in conjunction with IJCAI, the largest international conference in the field of artificial intelligence. The previous competitions have spawned novel research in AI in the field of autonomous agent design, which are now available to the wider research community. The focus of this year's competition was on repeated multilateral negotiation.
ANAC 2017:http://web.tuat.ac.jp/~katfuji/ANAC2017
This study was presented during the International Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems Conference. Please click the link below for the study.